Bryan Julian Garzon
Systems and Software Engineer, Functional Programming Enthusiast, Human.
I'm a productive, battle-tested software builder and computing connoisseur, with an attention to detail that is almost annoying. My varied experience spans not only multiple businesses, but also across multiple crafts in and out of computers, such as a decent knowledge of mathematical abstractions like categories, or unnecessarily detailed insight in computer networks and operating systems.
This "Jack of all trades, master of none" attitude may have been a weakness in the past. Still, now I would consider myself quite proficient in building designing and building software systems from end to end, including using modelling tools, nice diagramming skills, a decent understanding of the cloud and web browsers, and fair competence of both backend technologies and languages like Scala Proficiency: 8, Elixir Proficiency: 7 or Kafka and frontend ones like JS/TS Proficiency: 7 or Nuxt Proficiency: 8.
In summary, if it's related to computers, put me there, give me time and food, and I'll sort it out eventually.
Julian is a great professional, with a great sense of responsibility and super cool! We worked on a project and he was a great help in his work as a frontend developer. I hope to count on his support in the future!
- Programming Languages
- Scala Proficiency: 8
Cats Effect Proficiency: 8
FS2 Proficiency: 8
- Natchez
- Log4cats
- Http4s Proficiency: 7.5
- Weaver
- Smithy4s
- Tapir
- Fs2 Kafka
- Vulcan
- ScalaCheck
- Elixir Proficiency: 7
- OTP Proficiency: 5
- Phoenix Proficiency: 6.5
- Phoenix Live View Proficiency: 7
- Phoenix Channels
Ash Framework
- Ecto
- EXUnit
- JS/TS Proficiency: 7
- Vue Proficiency: 7.5
- Nuxt Proficiency: 8
- Remeda Proficiency: 6
- React Proficiency: 6
- Next.js
- React Native
- C#
- Go Proficiency: 7.5
- Java Proficiency: 5
- Distributed Systems
- Kafka
AWS Smithy
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- gRPC
- GraphQL
- Monitoring And Tracing
- Prometheus
- Graphana
- Comp Sci
- Formal Verification
- Math
- Category Theory
- Combinators
- Non Tech
- History
- Sociology
- Cloud
- AWS Proficiency: 7
- ECS/Fargate
- Kinesis
- Terraform Proficiency: 4
Nov 2021 - Apr 2024
Xebia Functional (Previously 47 Degrees)
Xebia Functional is a division of the consultant behemoth Xebia that focuses on functional programming, with a great emphasis in the Scala Proficiency: 8's Typelevel ecosystem.
- I worked on a huge project for a music streaming serivice.
- At this project, I worked in tooling for authenticating comunication between services, using Scala Proficiency: 8 3, and JWT/JWKS.
- Used and tweak schema and API code generation using the over-powered
AWS Smithy .
- Enabled A/B experimentation with a clever encoding that used a KrakenD's plugin, which uses Go Proficiency: 7.5, and
FS2 Proficiency: 8, to create a pure mapping between experiments and users.
- Touched upon a lot of technologies associated with devops, such as Github Actions and
- Helped on a demo to demonstrate the power of LLMs and structured output for asisting CMS creation, using React Proficiency: 6.
- Worked on internal projects, in which I demoed a way to SSR React Proficiency: 6 from Scala Proficiency: 8 on one of them.
Apr 2021 - Oct 2021
Optic Power
Optic Power (now defunct) was a consultancy enterprise mainly focused in the video-game industry, that made heavy use of the Elixir Proficiency: 7 programming language, among other technologies.
- Worked on a 'white-labeled' application to create and manage video-game tournaments, using an amazing stack made by the
Ash Framework , Next.js , and a nice setup for comunicating both using GraphQL .
- Used React Proficiency: 6 and React Native for a huge platform that integrated with video-games and let users to bet with friends.
May 2020 - Apr 2021
My main goal was to provide quality code and good engineering to an application built with Flutter (Dart). I've proposed and developed a major refactor based on good practices and testing for the "Puntopay" application. My word in architecture and testing practices was taken into account when the company was trying to implement Golang as a programming language suitable for a microservice-based infrastructure.
- Refactored a ~200 files app into using functional programming patterns (using Dartz), and clean architecture, all by my own.
- Created a demo to enable a transition from the typical Java monolith, to a gRPC -based microservice architecture using Go Proficiency: 7.5.
Dec 2019 - May 2020
Foonkie Monkey
Foonkie Monkey is a digital agency that focuses itself on all sorts of software services, ranging from low-code apps, to fully-fledged digital platforms.
- Worked on a website for a huge pharmaceutical that used C# as backend, and JS/TS Proficiency: 7 as frontend.
Monadic Parser Combinators with Scala 3
This tutorial oughts to illustrate how categories and effect-based programming could simplify some kind of abstractions, using the Monadic Parser Combinators as a vehicle for illustration.
Now, Really, What's a Monad?: Explained for the rest of Us
The topic at hand comprises three terms that might sound greek for some of the readers, parser being probably the only to sound familiar. For those two terms, some of the readers might have some familiarity because they’re pretty much memes at this point, but, and stick with me, it’s not that deep, and by the end of this article, I hope you gain some familiarity with them.