
Bryan Julian Garzon

Ingeniero de Sistemas y Computación, Entusiasta de la Programación Functional, Humano.

Soy un desarrollador de software productivo y experimentado – un connoisseur de informática, con una atención al detalle que resulta casi molesta. Mi variada experiencia abarca no solo múltiples negocios, sino también múltiples oficios dentro y fuera de la computación, incluyendo un conocimiento decente de abstracciones matemáticas como las categorías o una visión innecesariamente detallada de redes de computadores y los sistemas operativos.

Esta actitud de "aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada" puede haber sido una debilidad en el pasado. De todos modos, ahora me consideraría bastante competente en la creación, diseño y construcción de sistemas de software de principio a fin, incluido el uso de herramientas de modelado, buenas habilidades de diagramación, un conocimiento decente de la nube y de los navegadores web, y un dominio aceptable de algunas tecnologías y lenguajes backend como Scala , Elixir o Kafka y de frontend como JS/TS o Nuxt .

En resumen, si está relacionado con computadoras, pónganme ahí, denme tiempo y comida, y eventualmente lo resolveré.


Julián es un gran profesional, con gran sentido de la responsabilidad y super buena onda! Trabajamos en un proyecto y fue de gran ayuda en su labor como frontend developer. Espero poder contar con su apoyo en el futuro!


Programming Languages
  • Scala
  • Typelevel
  • Cats
  • Cats Effect
  • FS2
  • Natchez
  • Log4cats
  • Http4s
  • Weaver
  • Smithy4s
  • Tapir
  • Fs2 Kafka
  • Vulcan
  • ScalaCheck
  • Elixir
  • OTP
  • Phoenix
  • Phoenix Live View
  • Phoenix Channels
  • Ecto
  • EXUnit
  • JS/TS
  • Vue
  • Nuxt
  • Remeda
  • React
  • Next.js
  • C#
  • GraphQL
  • Go
Distributed Systems
  • Kafka
  • AWS Smithy
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • gRPC
Monitoring And Tracing
  • Prometheus
  • Graphana
Comp Sci
  • Formal Verification
  • Category Theory
  • Combinators
Non Tech
  • History
  • Sociology
  • AWS
  • IAM
  • CDK
  • EKS
  • ECS/Fargate
  • Kinesis
  • Terraform

Work experience

Nov 2021 - Apr 2024

Xebia Functional (Previously 47 Degrees)

Xebia Functional is a division of the consultant behemoth Xebia that focuses on functional programming, with a great emphasis in the Scala 's Typelevel ecosystem.

  • I worked on a huge project for a music streaming serivice.
    • At this project, I worked in tooling for authenticating comunication between services, using Scala 3, and JWT/JWKS.
    • Used and tweak schema and API code generation using the over-powered AWS Smithy .
    • Enabled A/B experimentation with a clever encoding that used a KrakenD's' plugin, which uses Go , and FS2 , to create a pure mapping between experiments and users.
    • Touched upon a lot of technologies associated with devops, such as Github Actions and CDK .
  • Helped on a demo to demonstrate the power of LLMs and structured output for asisting CMS creation, using React .
  • Worked on internal projects, in which I demoed a way to SSR React from Scala on one of them.

Apr 2021 - Oct 2021

Optic Power

Optic Power (now defunct) was a consultancy enterprise mainly focused in the video-game industry, that made heavy use of the Elixir programming language, among other technologies.

  • Worked on a 'white-labeled' application to create and manage video-game tournaments, using an amazing stack made by the Ash Framework, Next.js , and a nice setup for comunicating both using GraphQL.
  • Used React and React Native for a huge platform that integrated with video-games and let users to bet with friends.

May 2020 - Apr 2021


My main goal was to provide quality code and good engineering to an application built with Flutter (Dart). I've proposed and developed a major refactor based on good practices and testing for the "Puntopay" application. My word in architecture and testing practices was taken into account when the company was trying to implement Golang as a programming language suitable for a microservice-based infrastructure.

  • Refactored a ~200 files app into using functional programming patterns (using Dartz), and clean architecture, all by my own.
  • Created a demo to enable a transition from the typical Java monolith, to a gRPC -based microservice architecture using Go .

Dec 2019 - May 2020

Foonkie Monkey

Foonkie Monkey is a digital agency that focuses itself on all sorts of software services, ranging from low-code apps, to fully-fledged digital platforms.

  • Worked on a website for a huge pharmaceutical that used C# as backend, and JS/TS as frontend.


Feb 2018 - Nov 2023 Dropped

Systems and Computing Engineering

National University of Colombia
